The City of Wabasha and the Wabasha Port Authority have finalized the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) regarding the proposed Mississippi River Barge Facility Project located in the City of Wabasha, Wabasha County, MN. The project will include dredging a side access channel from the main Mississippi River navigation channel and constructing a truck access road, barge dock, and loading/unloading infrastructure. The Wabasha Port Authority is also submitting the Environmental Assessment for the barge facility for review.

The EIS and EA, which documents the purpose and need for the project, along with the anticipated social, economic, and environmental impacts, is available for review, linked below.

The City of Wabasha invites the public to comment on the adequacy of the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) – as outlined in Minnesota Rules 4410.2800 – regarding the proposed Mississippi River Barge Facility Project located in the City of Wabasha, Wabasha County, MN. Comments on the adequacy of the FEIS will be accepted from September 3 through September 13, 2024.

The project will include dredging a side channel access from the main Mississippi River navigation channel and constructing a truck access road, barge dock, and loading/unloading infrastructure.

Public and agency comments from the Draft EIS were incorporated into the FEIS. This FEIS documents the purpose and need for the project, the alternatives assessed, the analysis of the social, economic, and environmental impacts, and anticipated mitigation measures. The document is available for public review beginning September 3, 2024, at the following locations:

• (Digital) City of Wabasha website:
• (Digital) Environmental Quality Board website:

Comments on the adequacy of the FEIS should be submitted to Caroline Gregerson, City Administrator, 900 Hiawatha Drive E, Wabasha, MN 55981, (651) 565-4568, or

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